Thursday, October 6, 2011

Occupy Wall Street....the End of Irony

I hereby declare the death of irony. Hipsters from every borough of New York City have converged on the financial district to “occupy Wall Street”. As if on cue, they have been joined by the usual Hollywood celebrities and various labor union bosses. Some have declared this to be a new “revolution” in America, a progressive answer to the Tea Party movement. While the Tea Party, as close as I could tell, was agitating for less and less government, the Occupy Wall Street crowd just can’t get enough of it. I checked out one of several lists of demands found on the official web site to get the flavor. The first four bullet points racked up a whopping 6 trillion in government spending. It takes a ton of money to raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour, give everyone a free college education, declare universal, single-payer health insurance for all, and guarantee every American a “living wage, regardless of employment”. Wow, a living wage guaranteed to me regardless of whether I work or not?? Sign me up!!! My personal favorite demand was an immediate default on “all debt”, whether its sovereign debt , college loan debt , or mortgage debt. How wonderful would that be? Although a problem might potentially arise when our defunded military-industrial-complex is faced with the Chinese army ,navy, and air force, who probably won’t be too thrilled with the fact that we just welched on over one trillion of Chinese government holdings. Still, imagine how cool it would be to tell all of your creditors to take a hike. Of course, if this idea ever did become law I would feel like a gigantic sap. 12 years ago when I built this house, the bank told me I could qualify for a $600,000 loan. But , like an idiot, I only borrowed $230,000. Can you imagine how much bigger a house I could have built if I had known that 12 years later my loan would be wiped out , thanks to a couple thousand college kids in New York??. Oh well, timing is everything.

So, why is this the death of irony? Watching and reading and listening to this thing unfold, and hearing the sad news of the death of Steve Jobs, it occurred to me that the Hipster generation has lost all connection to it's roots. We have been told that the home of irony is the hipster generation. Books have been written about it, the internet abounds with essential guides to Hipster Irony. And yet, practically everything I know about Occupy Wall Street has been delivered to me by products conceived and produced by the biggest, baddest capitalist enterprise on Earth…Apple Computer. Videos of all the action are filmed on I-Phones, dispatches posted to facebook via hipster i-pads and Macbooks, all the while, the sound track pounds through the earphones courtesy of i-pods. How could kids so manifestly anti-capitalist not see the profound irony in their complete devotion to and adoration of the products of a company so manifestly anti-union as Apple Computer ? But I give everyone of those kids up there a pass. Most of them are in their early twenties, and their active and eager minds have not yet been seasoned with enough life experience to save them from this sort of thing. But when the big-shots of labor unions start showing up at a movement whose goal it is to take down “Wall Street”. Well, then, that’s another story. Irony takes another blow at the sight of labor union bosses decrying the evil greed of Goldman Sachs, when their members’ pension plans are being managed by the very companies they seek to vilify. If a riot breaks out and the shares of US companies tank as a result, the rank and file union members will have their leaders to thank when they open their 401-K statements in January.

But, even though there are many reasons to roll the eyes at some of the stupidity on parade at Occupy Wall Street, there is an element of sincerity and righteous indignation for which I have great sympathy. They may have the wrong remedy, but their essential claim that something is terribly wrong with our financial system is true. At 53 I understand that the problem isn’t as simple and its solution isn’t as easy as demonizing banks, or even politicians. There is blood on all of our hands for the mess in which we find ourselves. Greed isn’t the sole possession of the rich, just as laziness and looking for a handout isn’t the sole possession of the poor.


  1. This all seems vaguely familiar as I am reminded of the student protests of the late 60's and early 70's. While it's understandable in the passion of youth to want to change this evil world, one day you realize that there are lives to be lived including paying your bills. While I got a lot of scholarship help because I worked hard in high school, I still paid off college loans for over a decade on a single teacher's income. So, get a job, even if it's not the one you want for the rest of your life and start paying your bills. Grow up.

  2. But that's exactly what they're protesting, PR.

    You say to them, "Get a job," and they respond, "We've been trying for months and years to get a job. There aren't any jobs."

    Even the jobs that are "not the one you want for the rest of your life" are difficult to find nowadays. One of these people I read about talked about a time where they and a crowd of thirty other people sat in a SUBWAY, of all places, trying to get a job. Only one of them got it, and it wasn't her.

  3. It's also worth noting, Dad, that this "list of demands" is really not what it seems. It was posted by one person on a forum somewhere, not voted upon or decided by anyone within the leadership of Occupy Wall Street, but Fox News (unsurprisingly) took it and ran with it as the "official" list.

    There is no official list of demands voted on by the NYC General Assembly (the "governing body" of Occupy Wall Street).

  4. I realize that the list of demands was not "official" but rather a summation of the general feeling of the participants. The only thing that is "official" is this self-righteous declaration that they are the virtuous 99% and that the evil Wall Street gang are the 1% responsible for all of our woes. How convenient. With one bumper sticker slogan they have absolved practically the entire country, especially themselves, of any culpability. Really? Going into 150,000 of debt to obtain a bachelors degree in sociology with a minor in French poetry and then finding yourself unhirable is someone else's fault? And what exactly do they expect to accomplish by jamming the front lawn of a CEO who's company employs 250,000 people, with 5000 chanting idiots?? Do they expect that CEO to go.."Oh, I know, I'll hire 100,000 more!" Actually its a good thing that the NYC General Assembly doesn't have any official demands since its so much easier to protest than to craft workable remedies. And if you consider launching 6 trillion dollars in new government spending a remedy, then there's nothing I can do for you.
